Steps to Take
Take Care of Yourself and Your Family
Contact your local disaster relief service, such as the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army. They will help you find a place to stay and to find food, clothing and medicine. Make sure that you have a safe place to live temporarily. You have a big job ahead of you. Get
plenty of rest, and ask for help. Do not try to do it all alone.
Help Your Pets
If you have pets, find and comfort them. Scared animals often react by biting or scratching. Handle them carefully, calmly and gently. Try to leave pets with a family member, friend or veterinarian if you are visiting or cleaning your damaged home. Keep your pets out of the house until the cleanup is complete to keep them safe.
Security and Safety
Do not enter a damaged home or apartment unless the fire department says it is safe. Fires can start again, even if they appear to be out. Watch for damage caused by the fire. Roofs and floors may be damaged and could fall down.
The fire department will make sure the utility services (water, electricity and gas) are safe to use. If they are not safe, firefighters will have your utilities turned off or disconnected before they leave.
Contact your police department to let the police know that you will be away from your home. In some cases, you may need to board up openings so that no one can get in when you’re not there.
Contact Your Insurance Agent
Contact your insurance company right away. Ask what to do about the immediate needs of your home. This includes pumping out water and covering doors, windows and other openings.
Ask your insurance company what to do first. Some companies may ask you to make a list of everything that was damaged by the fire. They will ask you to describe these items in detail and say how much you paid for them.
If you do not have insurance, your family and community might help you get back on your feet. Organizations that might help include:
• American Red Cross.
• Salvation Army.
• Religious organizations.
• Public agencies, such as the public health department.
• Community groups.
• State or municipal emergency services office.
• Nonprofit crisis-counseling centers.
Handling the Damage
There are companies that are experts in cleaning and/or restoring your personal items.
Whether you or your insurer buys this type of service, be clear on who will pay for it. Be sure to ask for an estimate of cost for the work and agree to it in writing. You will find the names and phone numbers for companies that do this work in the phone book and on
the internet.
Ask your insurance company for names of companies that you can trust.
These companies may provide services to:
• Secure your home against more damage.
• Estimate damage.
• Repair damage.
• Estimate the cost to repair or renew items of personal property.
• Store household items.
• Hire cleaning or repair subcontractors.
• Store repaired items until needed.
Source for Content: U.S. Fire Administration
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